Goddamn you have been cranking these out lately. Reading with envy and awe as always.

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Thanks, Daisy! And I look forward to your stuff.

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YESSSSS! From the neurotransmitter cycle, to the falling-into-illness-to-avoid-responsibilities, to the Schopenhauer mic drop--I loved all of it!

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Thanks, Will.

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¡Ay amigo! Looks like the Grim Reaper's crabby lil' brother Decrepitude has laid his wizened paw on your shoulder. Much as you wish to scrap like a good 'un, perhaps time to take up a less impactful combat sport like kendo, jodo or competitive quilting?

Though you lament losing your superhero status, you'll always be our Superkid, and there's nothing not-superhero-like about plugging a mofo between the legs and landing a pre-emptive strike on the 'nads, or indeed a Glasgow Kiss, aka head-butt, which has always been a classy move.

So accept the fact that sometimes the time comes to relinquish the mantle of scrappy challenger and take up the knobbly staff of the sensei.

And keep up the deworming work, there's a good chap.

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Oh, boy. So much workable advice! I have considered Tapping out (pun!) to Father Time, but I hold my own! But yes, nad attacks are criminally under-utilized. I'll have you know that my twerk game is coming back and I see tornado kicks from afar.

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Glad to hear it, they do say you always had the most wiggly derriere in town, something I previously discounted as slanderous gossip.

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