Now you've done it! The capybaras will never tolerate your exposure of their role in constructing the universal simulation and will either delete you from the program or come after you with their nasty gnawing chomping teeth.

(Just kidding - I think they're adorable and I for one welcome our pre-existing rodentine masters)

I recently wrote a story where a species of burrowing rodents re-enacted the conquista of the New World - could it be we're both receiving those signals from the same secret location?

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Why do we always seem to be writing the same kind of things? Eclectic yet eerily in synch. More rodentine shenanigans.

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Bradley Vee

It's traditional to comment at this point "great minds think alike" but in fact it might be the same kind of brain damage or recreational substances.

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May 8·edited May 8Author

A double helix of both.

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A reference to Theravada! Capybaras! Metaphysical ruminations and wit!

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Why, thank you!

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May 8Liked by Bradley Vee

The simulation theory, like solipcism or multiple universes, begins with an ineffible boundary condition, itself more complex than whatever it's trying to explain. That means it's intellectually regressive by default. Also unfalsifiable. This is the truth of the matter: https://kaiserbasileus.substack.com/p/trivial-realism

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similitude and simulation as a condition of consciousness....

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