More wit in these maxims and saws than a whole trainload of Wildes, Nietzsches and Grouchos pulling into the station.

Hard to pull a favourite from this fiery bunch, but I'm going with "I was a slow-motion suicide bomber, playing it close to the vest."

One of these days we ought to have an aphorism-off, like a rap battle but for grouchy old geezers with a grudge against the world.

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An exhilarating raft ride over a stream of consciousness waterfall!

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"Hippocrates taken hostage by Narcissus" - that's really great.

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This is a gooey cauldron of wildly imaginative story prompts. I am jumping in.

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A lot of gold here, but this one made me laugh out loud (LOL as the kids say). - "Dummies for Dummies—how to deal with people like myself."

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